
Cha Cha Dance Steps

As you can see from the above video, the basic Cha Cha Cha dance steps involve small-sized steps with turned out feet and legs. The cha cha requires very small steps because of its rhythm. The counting for the steps are "1-2-3-cha-cha-1-2-3-cha-cha" or "1-2-3-4-and-1-2-3-4-and". There are five steps for four beats of music. Cha cha music is energetic with a steady beat.

The cha cha is a very expressive dance and requires a lot of hip motion. So you must be able to do the Cuban Motion (alternately bending and straightening of the knees) or it won't look like the cha cha cha.

Make sure that you take small steps, transfer your weight completely with every step and that you don't shuffle your feet.

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